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Discover Your Dream Job, Wretched Rehearsals, and Astronauts

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How can you discover your dream job?

Imagine waking up excited for every day, doing what you love, and feeling fulfilled!

Back in 2015, I was living the life I’d dreamed of when I was a kid - I was a professional drummer, I was touring, recording, seeing the world, and playing with household names... but I wasn’t happy. I sat down with myself and went through questions that helped me understand why I was feeling unfulfilled, which has led me to this spot right now, feeling happier than I ever could imagine!

Listen to this week’s episode on ‘Emily is Live!’ as I share those questions, my answers, and discuss how to maximise the love you have for the things you do by focusing on a few key questions, rather than just carry on doing more of what makes you unhappy, and possibly not even realising why.

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